Periodically, as my good friends can attest, they hear me exhale in an exaggerated 'whoop' sort of sound. That's the 'release valve' as coined by the thug. Sometimes it's the exhale of exhaustion from a tough workout, but most usually it's the all too often unintelligible inner dialogue groaning and escaping.
so, now cue the blogging version of the release valve.
'the thug' : that would be one Gerry Owen; neighbor, friend, boss, brother.
aka G-thug, "Is this on?" "Can you hear me?" I feel that I should be the first to comment, seniority if nothing else. I look forward to the public version of "pulling back the curtain" from the Princess. Anyone's understanding of Seinfeldisms will greatly increase their enjoyment of upcoming episodes, installments or whatever a new blog-in is named. This should be interesting and I'll be standing by. Maybe I can sub-blog?
definitions: 'princess': that would be Scott Harper; neighbor (so far), buddy, employee :), sister.
This blog is a total waste of cyberspace... please delete it.
I continues to stand by with sweet anticipation...
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