Wednesday, May 7, 2008

the middle seat....

i'm on a plane headed home from Atlanta... the flight was delayed an hour.... and i have the privilege of sitting in the back of the plane with the middle seat all to my self. well, that's not exactly true... i'm bookended by slightly bigger than average hairy men....and the person in front of me has taken their God-given 'seat reclining right' to the point of seemingly sitting in my lap. so i sit and type on my mac book with my neck cricked down, my own elbows digging into my ribs, and my forearms aching a bit from typing in this manner.

but...i'm buoyed by the thought that this sort of thing would have at one point really freaking ticked me off or bummed me out. i have easily bounced from rage to hopelessness over situations far less important than this.

and now?

well........... i'm not 'high-fivin' my seat-mates or anything...but it's all good. i'm almost home. and perhaps in some, very small way i can see a bit of growth. hopefully there is much more growth than i'm acutely aware of...but this just struck me.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


life is pretty messy... i don't expect that to be a revelatory declaration to anybody...but it's messy.
schedules are messy... things have been so hectic for me lately that i actually think my shoe-horned nap this afternoon actually hurt more than help.  After about an hour of napping, i was abruptly assaulted by the noise of my cellphone alarm.  as is often the case, i'd set it for a late as possible so had to scamper out the door and as i was driving to work, i actually wondered if i was still asleep or not.  i could hardly tell the difference.  weird feeling.
it was probably 2 or 3 hours before i actually felt like myself again.  darn nap...usually i'm pretty adapt to snapping out of the groggy coma.  
i keep thinking the schedule will somehow un-messify itself... and, never does. there's always something bubbling to the top.  it almost seems as though it will take an active will on my part to slow the pace... but nah...i'm sure, like most'll just work itself out.  
oh that it would.